Reader Of Appliance Display

View the Project on GitHub kk5190/Reader-Of-Appliance-Display

ROAD - Reader Of Appliance Display.

This is an OCR reader based on OpenCV and Tesseract. It can be used for recognizing 7-segment digits on the LCD/LED display, such as calculator and electric meter. After detecting the text, this app will speak out the text.

This app is being developed as a mini-project for fifth semester of MCA course of Pondicherry University under the guidance of Dr. K. S. Kuppusamy.

Compared with normal image, the LCD screen has a lower contrast and special processing solution is quite necessary for successful recognition.

NOTE: This project is not complete yet.

The OCR process has three main steps: 1) 2) 3)

Authors and Contributors

@kk5190 and Santu

Support or Contact

If you wan to give feedback or have any suggestion to improve this project eamil at kk5190krrish[at]